Rivian Begins Opening Charging Network To Every EV

From Out of Spec Podcast.

In this episode of the Out of Spec Podcast, we sit down with Jose from RivianTrackr and Marco from RANTracker to discuss Rivian’s big move to open their Adventure Network chargers to all EVs, starting with Joshua Tree. With Version 1.5 dispensers NEVI compliant, Rivian has made strides in public charging, setting new standards for reliability and convenience.

We break down how Rivian’s infrastructure is evolving to accommodate non-Rivian EVs, including details on pricing, charging performance, new locations and station configurations.

Jose (RivianTrackr): riviantrackr.com / https://www.youtube.com/@riviantrackr
Marco (RANTracker): x.com/RANtracker

Tune in to hear how Rivian is shaping the future of EV charging for everyone.

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– Fort Collins Kia: Visit focokia.com for full details. Disclaimer: *Delivery covers up to $1,000.

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#RIVIAN #RivianAdventureNetwork #JoshuaTree #PublicCharging