Abandoned Brabus Rescue – Saved from Scrapyard and now road ready // Part 2

From The Late Brake Show.

Abandoned Brabus Rescue – Saved from Scrapyard and now road ready // Part 2. In this project car episode Jonny Smith continues the resurrection of a 2005 Smart Roadster Coupe Brabus that he’d seen in Trents salvage yard (https://www.trents.co.uk/) during filming a video on modern scrap yard operations. It was on death row for salvage, but in this video it receives a replacement convertible roof mechanism, new Bilstein suspension, vinyl wrap removal, and an MOT.

Thanks for stopping by The Late Brake Show.

This episode is sponsored by Texaco Techron fuel system cleaner. Techron helps remove the harmful carbon deposits in the injectors and carburettor that can damage critical engine parts, helping to restoring lost power, performance and fuel efficiency. Click this link to find out more and see where to purchase: https://www.texacolubricants.com/en_uk/home/landing-pages/techron-fuel-system-cleaner.html?utm_source=influencer-late-brake&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=techron-late-brake-youtube&utm_content=influencer

The car was worth saving, and Rob at S2 Smarts ( https://s2smarts.co.uk/ ) was the man to do it. Thanks to Trents https://www.trents.co.uk/motor-salvage for letting Jonny acquire and ‘save’ the Smart.
Thanks also to www.evilution.co.uk Smart Car forum and info portal

Watch part 1 here: https://youtu.be/1CKmsuNGcdI

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Filmed by Jonny Smith and https://www.ConceptMedia.Group
Edited by: Michael Dougie Douglass
Thumbnail by: Matt Tarrant https://www.matttarantdesign.com

Jonny Smith
Creative content maker, car presenter & car pervert for hire since ’98
Website: http://www.carpervert.com
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0:00 Intro

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