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Links from today’s show:
EV Battery Degradation Just Isn’t Much Of An Issue
A British EV dealer analyzed 300 used EVs, and the results are more proof that you don’t have to worry about your car’s battery.
EVs Now Last 18 Years, Matching ICE Cars In Lifespan, Large Study Finds. The extensive study analyzed over 300 million MOT test records from 2005 to 2022 before reaching that conclusion.
EVs Now Last 18 Years, Matching ICE Cars In Lifespan, Large Study Finds
The price gap between battery electric vehicles (BEV) and internal combustion engined (ICE) models has fallen from 51% to 18% over the past six years in the UK, according to a new report from Jato Dynamics. Jato says the shrinking gap was caused by declining prices of BEVs (down by 11% over the period) and rising prices for ICE vehicles (up 14%).
Argentina’s Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, announced on Tuesday that the country will remove import taxes on certain types of electric and hybrid vehicles beginning next week, marking a significant step toward sustainability and economic reform.
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