These Researchers Can Now Potentially Double Tesla Battery’s Life And Cleverly Apply to Other EVs

From Torque News.

The Dutch scientists at Delft University of Technology discovered a method to potentially double the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries by adjusting their composition. They found that by adding multiple types of salts, they could create a more controlled and durable protective layer, reducing lithium ion loss and battery degradation.

This could have a significant positive impact on Tesla. Since Tesla uses lithium-ion batteries in its electric vehicles and energy storage solutions, this new method could extend the lifespan of Tesla batteries, potentially by 20% to 100%.

Also see:
1. Electric Car Battery Degradation Study Suggests Batteries Will Outlast Cars

2. Toyota And Tesla Find Fascinating Way To Extend Electric Car Battery Life

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news. Also, follow us on Telegram at


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