How To Change The Date And Time Format In New Hyundai Cars, Inside 2024 Kona N Line

From Torque News.

This is how you change the date and time format in Hyundai touchscreens. I am demonstrating it inside the 2024 Hyundai Kona N Line.

Locate the Clock Display: This is usually on the main touchscreen of your car’s infotainment system.
Access Settings: Tap or press the clock display to open the settings menu.
Adjust Date and Time: You should find options to change the date, time, and time format.
Select Time Format: Look for options like "12-hour" or "24-hour" format.
Save Changes: Confirm your selections to save the new settings.

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.