Tesla Is Winning, States Mandate, Carmakers Have No Choice But To Join Tesla NACS

From Torque News.

Hours ago Reuters reported that Washington state plans to mandate Tesla’s charging plug. If this happens Washington will join Tesla, who already has a similar mandate in place. This will force not only electric vehicle charging companies, but also carmakers to join Tesla, adopting its NACS charging standard. Tesla’s NACS charging standard is quickly becoming the EV charging standard in the United States.

"Washington state plans to require electric vehicle charging companies to include Tesla’s plug if they want to be part of a state program to electrify highways using federal dollars, an official told Reuters on Thursday. Washington follows the move by Texas to mandate Tesla’s technology, The North American Charging Standard (NACS), adding momentum to CEO Elon Musk’s hope of making it the national charging technology," Reuters reports.

#tesla #TeslaNACS

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.

Reuters https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/washington-state-plans-mandate-teslas-charging-plug-official-2023-06-23/