Tesla Semi Resumes Production, Rare Sighting Shows

From Torque News.

Twitter user Hinrichs Zane has shared rare pictures of the Tesla Semi at Gigafactory Nevada, which makes me think that Tesla is slowly ramping up the production of Semi. It’s still very slow, but at least it’s moving. The images and videos are going viral and many people have liked and commented on them.

Hinrichs, who goes by Twitter name Zanegler, says "After a period of very slow production of Tesla Semi’s it looks like things are picking up again." He says he spotted 7 Tesla semis at the prototype line yesterday, the most he says he has ever seen at one time.

All those Tesla Semis were with mfg plates and looked new. MFG licence plates are special license plates issued to manufacturers for their own vehicles.

This tells me the supplier issues seem to be improving in regard to Tesla Semi’s production.

Zanegler says these appear to be new and will be stress-tested by Tesla in order to uncover any potential issues before the next round of customer deliveries. They are running these Tesla Semi trucks hard!

So what about the production and who will get the next batch of Tesla Semis first?

#teslasemi #tesla #WalmartTeslaSemi #PepsiTeslaSemi #UPSTeslaSemi

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.

Zangegler https://twitter.com/HinrichsZane
Torque News Tesla https://www.torquenews.com/1/tesla-semi-sightings-giga-nevad-point-newly-regained-production-momentum