Watch The Very 1st Tesla Semi That Looks Like Real Truck and Battery Behind The Cab

From Torque News.

Tesla Semi blogger from Giga Nevada, named Zanegler has shared a cool video showing the very first Tesla Semi truck from the Gigafactory Nevada, which is still in operation.

You guys have asked how the Tesla Semi drivers back the vehicle, especially under an angle?

Tesla Semi’s center driving position would not be ideal for backing into tight bays on an angle. The reason for this is that the center driving position gives you less visibility of the sides of your vehicle, which can make it difficult to judge how close you are to the other vehicles. If you have to back in on an angle, it’s best to use a driving position that gives you better visibility of the sides, such as a side-facing driving position.

It will be interesting to hear how Pepsi is overcoming this.

It doesn’t really matter since they have the cameras. Backing a trailer into a door has nothing to do with where the seat is and everything to do with how the driver understands which way to turn the wheel to move the trailer in the correct direction. It would take me 2 seconds to adjust and I’d be good. People who do it for the first time? It takes a few frustrating hours to adjust. After that you’re fine.

#teslasemi #tesla

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

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