What Should We Expect from DC Fast Charging in 2024? | Coast-to-Coast EVs # 5

From Plug and Play EV.

Our first Coast-to-Coast EVs stream of 2024 covers value for money in DC fast charging: how much is being spent and what should we expect in terms of: A) customer experience, and B) bang for our buck when the sites are funded from federal or state sources?

In case you missed it, Steve was out and about visiting NEVI-funded sites over the holidays (here: https://youtu.be/D_YEIe6NjmA), while Walter has been diligently tracking nascent networks from Pilot-Flying J, Mercedes-Benz, and Race-Trac (browse his tNAC channel reports here: https://www.youtube.com/@thenetworkarchitectchannel9507).

Out west, Eric has strong opinions on what has been installed in California (what do you mean you’re not shocked?!) and how funds have been spent in his home state, which typically leads EV infrastructure trends in the U.S. Peruse his work at the News Coulomb channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@newscoulomb3705

Join us at 8PM (Eastern) / 5PM (Pacific) for a live stream to launch us into an exciting year for electric vehicles and EV infrastructure!

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