BREAKING! New Chinese EV Battery Packs 3 Times More Energy Than Tesla 4680 Cell

From Torque News.

Researchers at the Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have shattered records by developing a remarkable electric vehicle battery pouch that packs an astonishing three times the energy capacity of Tesla 4680 batteries.

This is a breaking news in the industry of electric vehicle batteries.

With an energy density of 711 Wh/kg, this newly developed battery pack outperforms any existing battery technology used in electric vehicles today. The team of innovative scientists also achieved an exceptional volumetric energy density of 1,653.65 Wh/L, a significant leap forward from the currently available commercial battery packs.

To provide context, even Tesla’s highly anticipated 4680 cells, designed for their upcoming EV models, fall short in comparison, with an energy density of 244 Wh/kg. This breakthrough in battery technology marks a significant advancement that could potentially transform the landscape of electric transportation and your future Tesla drive.

I think Tesla will become a potential customer for this company if they succeed to commercialize this battery technology. Who knows may be this is the next stage after Tesla’s 4680 battery.

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interesting Engineering