California Shows How Tesla Semi Tackles Icy Roads

From Torque News.

California Highway Patrol has posted a new video in which it shows how a Tesla Semi is tackling an icy hill.

In recent months there hasn’t been any news about Tesla Semi. But in this new video the Tesla Semi seems to be handling the conditions fairly well compared to the other big rigs that were reportedly "spinning out."

I think in the future it may be possible that Tesla may implement an AI solution that automatically handles the Semi or its vehicles in icy driving conditions.

As one commentator put it in the social platform X: this is an "impressive display of Teslas advanced technology conquering treacherous icy terrains. The Tesla Semi continues to redefine the boundaries of electric trucking, showcasing the potential of sustainable and efficient transportation. Kudos to California Highway Patrol for capturing this transformative moment."

#teslasemitruck #teslasemi

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

California Highway Patrol

Also see Jeremy Johnson’s Report of The Most Unbiased Tesla Semi Breakdown From an Engineer