Elon Musk Just Warned a Popular Investor With a Valuable Advice on Margin Loans

From Torque News.

Just about three hours ago a Tesla blogger on Twitter, known as Whole Mars Catalog, tweeted, saying he plans to increase his stake in Tesla in the coming weeks and months.

Whole Mars Catalog Is a popular blogger and more than 325,000 people follow him for his tweets, which often go viral.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who either saw Whole Mars Catalog’s tweet or perhaps he follows him too, realized that tweets like these shouldn’t go unnoticed, and decided to give him some advice.

Musk, just about 40 minutes ago replied to Whole Mars Catalog, and wrote, "Please advise people to be wary of margin loans. Tesla has always been a high variability stock, often with no obvious rhyme or reason. We are confident about long-term value creation, but cannot control the manic-depressive nature of the stock market."

Whole Mars Catalogue replied back, and wrote, "Very true. When you are over-reliant on margin loans you could lose everything."

#ElonMusk #Tesla #TSLA

Torque News Tesla https://www.torquenews.com/1/elon-just-gave-valuable-advice-tesla-investor-margin-loans
Elon Musk Tesla https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1674895208549347328