First Known Tesla Semi Delivers Tesla Vehicles To Its Service Centers

From Torque News.

Twitter Tesla blogger @teslacarsonly today tweeted a video, which shows an unidentified Tesla Semi delivering Tesla cars to Tesla centers.

In other words, Tesla is already using its Tesla Semi trucks, to deliver Tesla vehicles to its service centers, plainly to say, to its dealerships. Although Tesla doesn’t have dealerships. They are called Service Centers. It’s so beautiful to see Tesla Semi trucks delivering Tesla.

When I see this short video of a Tesla Semi electric truck delivering Tesla Model 3 and Model Y vehicles to its service centers, I am thinking Tesla is building the machine that makes the machine and the machine that delivers the machine.

I think the Tesla Semi is going to disrupt the entire trucking industry.

Now, seeing this, I am thinking further. When do you think when completed Tesla cars autonomously drive off the assembly line, into a trailer, with a Tesla Semi autonomously delivering them to a destination and the cars autonomously drive off and drive to a customers driveway without a single human in the loop?

3:25 Tesla’s Semi’s Detailed Exterior Design
6:07 Tesla Semi’s Wrooming Acceleration

#teslasemi #tesla

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

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