Hyundai President Makes Breaking Announcement About Joining Tesla

From Torque News.

Hyundai’s President just made a breaking announcement about joining Tesla, but with a condition.

Hyundai, one of the leading automakers in the world, has made a significant announcement regarding its consideration of adopting Tesla’s NACS connector for its electric vehicles in North America. This news comes on the heels of Ford and General Motors’ recent announcements that they would incorporate the Tesla NACS into their future battery electric vehicle designs. The move by these legacy automakers has generated a wave of support for Tesla’s charging port design, and now Hyundai is joining the conversation.

During Hyundai’s 2023 CEO Investor Day held in Seoul, South Korea, the company discussed its vision for mid-to-long-term business strategies and financial plans. President Jaehoon Chang revealed that Hyundai is exploring the possibility of shifting to Tesla’s NACS connector. However, the company wants to thoroughly evaluate the potential switch from the customers’ perspective before making a final decision.

One of Hyundai’s primary concerns is whether its electric vehicles would charge faster at other charging stations compared to Tesla Supercharger stalls. This concern arises from the fact that Hyundai’s electric cars, such as the Ionic 5, utilize an 800-volt electrical architecture, while Tesla Supercharger stalls operate at a lower voltage, resulting in slower charging times. This discrepancy in charging capabilities raises the question of compatibility and customer convenience.

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