New Electrify America Chargers Tested in Freezing Winter Temperatures (Quick Charge # 4)

From Plug and Play EV.

With all the fuss about freezing temperatures seizing up Electrify America’s new chargers, most of which have only been in the ground for a month or two, we had to venture out before Christmas shopping to see for ourselves.

With temperatures dropping to somewhere between 6 to 10°F (-12 to -14°C) in Massachusetts, this wasn’t the extreme cold that some regions in the US saw this past week but it was representative of the semi-regular lows that most charging corridors in the Northeast will see this winter.

So, how did the new Electrify America fourth gen. Signet chargers in Chicopee, MA hold up?

0:00 – Start
0:23 – Intro
0:44 – Level setting on previous gen. SK Signet unit
1:55 – Testing the upgraded fourth gen. chargers
3:04 – *Bolt EV has entered the chat*
4:35 – A third attempt
4:50 – Operating temperature limits for new SK Signet and BTC Power chargers
6:25 – Summary

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* Big thanks to Jeff, Tom, Luis, Dan, Bob, Dave, and Brian for keeping the coffee flowing this past year! *

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