Overall Home Energy Systems Are Super Important! Deep Dive Into Solutions Available Today

From Out of Spec Podcast.

Francie invites Shawn McLaughlin CEO and Founder of Emporia Energy, a company aiming to revolutionize home energy. They discuss the value that Emporia is working to bring to home energy solutions, what stands in the ways of folks optimizing their energy systems especially when considering adding on at-home EV charging.

She and Shawn discuss the value that Emporia brings to home energy solutions especially in relation to EV charging, the alternative ways folks can optimize the energy they consume/use/and sometimes even produce at their homes, Emporia’s research and development processes, the major challenges they’ve faced, and more.

Find out more about Emporia Energy at their website: https://www.emporiaenergy.com/
Images featured in the podcast credited to Emporia Energy

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#energy #evcharging #emporia