Tesla Model Y Surprises Everyone By Overtaking Jeeps in Quick Sand Dune Climb

From Torque News.

Tesla Model Y shows a superb off-roading performance leaving two Jeep vehicles way behind.

As per a recent video by ChargeGo that was shared on X, it would appear that the Tesla Model Y’s off-road performance should probably not be dismissed. In the short clip, Tesla Model Y could be seen starting at the same line as a couple of Jeeps. As the climb began, the Model Y proceeded to easily and authoritatively overtake its two combustion-powered peers.

I wonder how much battery power the Model Y lost by going up that heill. In the meantime, ICE engines must downshift in order to maintain power band. Electric vehicles just go.

#tesla #TeslaModelYOffroading #ModelYOffroad #ModelY #jeep

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.


Tesla Model Y surprises by overtaking Jeeps in quick sand dune climb

ChargeGo https://twitter.com/ChargeGoGroup/status/1728816666094846404