Unlocking the Value of Virtual Power Plants

From CleanTechnica.

Virtual power plants (VPPs) are not new. Historically, the majority of VPP capacity has been utilized in demand response programs to help improve grid reliability when bulk power supply is limited. However, VPP applications have the potential to provide much more value as the grid transitions to a more decarbonized, decentralized and digital future. In September the DOE released its Pathways to Commercial Uplift for VPPs report. In this webinar, we will unpack that report with Andrey Bernstein (NREL), Jeremy Cook, and Ben Sigrin (both from GridBeyond – a leading demand response/VPP platform technology provider. We’ll discuss ways DER asset owners, utilities, and grid operators can capitalize on the benefits of VPP today. If you can’t listen in to the discussion live, register anyway, as we’ll be sending out the recorded webinar to all registrants.